Monday, December 19, 2011

Love List #1

Things that evidence God's love today:

-Times of rest! So thankful for a husband that encourages me to slow down and enjoy the world around me.
-Socks and electric blankets. So I can have confidence my toes will still be attached the next morning
-Living simply. This is America, and we are always living in excess. But budgeting and trying to be wise about our future has built my faith tremendously. Thank you, God! He shows me we can be happy with what we have.
-Little Eli has learned to "kiss". I'll sprawl out on the ground and he'll scoot over to rest his head on my head. (He simply puts his eye or his mouth on my face. Pretty hilarious to watch, I'm sure.) "Kisses!"
-Times with friends and family. Oh, how school has stolen these times! I am so thankful to visit with loved ones again. Precious hours of laughing, celebratory eating, and hugs. This is how holidays (and life in general) should be!
-Bella. Bella called me "Aunt Emily" the other day, and I was reminded of how sweet it is to be an aunt! Getting hugs, being whispered to, and being able to love on her is such a treasure.
-The Gospel Church. Luke and I can't stop saying to each other, "It is so nice to be here." We love being able to "do" life with people we admire. They encourage us to pursue Jesus and stay focused on the Gospel in the most warm, unpretentious fashion. We can't wait to see what the future holds for our "baby" church.

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