Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Last night, my husband (LDH) asked how he could pray for me. I gave him the laundry list: that I would not elevate things above Jesus, that I would focus less on myself, that I could be well (not plagued by colds) for a while, that God would continue to give me the grace to persevere through this busy season, etc. I want to be joyful, express gratitude for my life, and allow the love of God to be made known though my life. I don't always want to be thinking about the next five steps ahead of the place I am currently. I am so busy these days; it feels hard to get out of the "go" and "be productive" mode. Sounds like quite the lofty list, eh? I woke up this morning and began the usual routine. I opened our big window and looked out onto the Mesa. I poured myself a big cup of coffee and began to make myself presentable for work. I felt so blessed and joyful. The feeling of the warm coffee in my belly... the beauty of the fog this autumn morning. It seemed like today, God was reminding me that the opportunities we have right now are precious. I hope that means something to someone else too. My sweet mother-in-law has been creating lists that are evidences of God's grace. I want to make some lists... lists of things that remind me of His beauty and His love.

Here's a start:

-Multi-colored Autumn leaves adorning the earth
-Crisp, cool mornings and piping hot beverages
-Smiles from friends and strangers
-Babies being born and growing into little people who say (and do!) spectacular things
-Those moments where life feels so full, it feels like your chest could burst
-The eyes of my husband, when he's laughing, when he's serious... all the time, really
-My Godson's affectionate tugs at my clothing, as if asking to play
-Eli extends his hands when I walk into the room (Babies can make you feel so loved!)
-The undeniably warm and enduring love of Christ
-The authentic, Christ-centered community at The Gospel Church
-The pitter patter of little feet at church 
-The opportunity to bake for each Sunday morning, experimenting on the masses with new baked goods
-The remarkable comfort of a hug from my husband; there are few things that compare

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